Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thank Goodness for Libraries

Here's a truth: without the use of public computers at libraries, this project would not be happening. Much of the research and emailing involved is being done in between work appointments, so the public library system of central Massachusetts will have to get a big thanks in our video credits!

More good video contest news! Our video 'Our Renewable Nation' is now one of the finalists in the Timberland/Earthkeepers video contest. There were some great submissions to the contest so all best are off. The grand prize is $5,000, which would go a long way in getting us across the country next May/June.

We picked up a great endorsement for our project from Bill McKibben, eco-author and activist:
"Never doubt that one family with a lot of sweat and inspiration, and a high-speed internet connection, can save the world. These guys are doing it!"

I also added a new feature to our website called 'Your Renewable Nation', where everyone is encouraged to let us know what green things people are doing in their won communities. We'll post the submissions on the 'Your Renewable Nation' Google map so people can see what individuals are doing across the nation to be green.

Be well,

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