Sunday, February 22, 2009

in the Sierra Club campaign, GoGreenTube

Hi friends,

Here's the latest news for our cross-country eco-video project, Our Renewable Nation:

It's official - we were recently contacted by the Sierra Club asking if they can use a video we made for their upcoming national campaign to promote home energy conservation. The website will post our video 'Our Energy-Efficient Home' that we entered into the Home Depot Video Contest last fall. They have also asked to give our video to Sierra Club's affiliates to distribute on the internet as well. Since several videos from our upcoming eco-video series will be a great fit for their website, we'll be sharing those with the Sierra Club as well. This is a great collaboration because we are interviewing several people from the Sierra Club's Cool Cities campaign in our video series, as we focus on several of the Top 10 Green Cities in the U.S. and interview representatives from each city to tell us what their city has done to earn their place in the top 10. Publicity from the Sierra Club will be so helpful for us in promoting our cross-country eco-video series!

We have also signed up to partner with, which is a video-sharing website similar in format to YouTube but is focused on green living videos. It's a great site for all aspects of green living. We'll be embedding our video series on our website through GoGreenTube, which also helps us to stream videos to schools which block video sites like YouTube. We will also be posting our video series to the other video sites like YouTube, but GoGreenTube has agreed to feature our new videos on their homepage as we finish and upload them through the fall. It should be a great collaboration!

We also have an exciting new fundraising project to tell you about, but it deserves it's own special message, and I also need to get the website updated to include it. Look for more details later this week!

Be well,
Colin & family

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