Thursday, September 18, 2008

Speaking to Auditoriums Full of Kids

Oh, the interesting twists our journey is taking us!

If you told me a year ago that Carrick and I would be speaking in school auditoriums to hundreds of kids at a time, I'd know you were crazy.

We got an invitation to come speak in the auditorium of a school; they asked us to bring some of our videos to show, and Carrick and I could talk about our work and our cross-country project, maybe inspire some of the kids by showing them an example of what a kid can do. The press came for the feel-good story - a 9-year-old kid who speaks to auditoriums full of kids about kid power - the ultimate renewable energy. Next thing you know we're in demand!

Carrick and his dad Colin - motivational speakers.

For his part, Carrick is unfazed in front of a crowd of 20 or 200. I don't think he knows to be self-conscious about speaking to a group of kids - score another for homeschooling! I, on the other hand, would have been completely terrified to do that when I was 9 years old. This project has given me opportunities to challenge myself, to get outside of my comfort zone. I believe strongly in the importance of our work, and that feeling of purpose is enough to get me out there.

Be well,

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