Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Our Renewable Nation DVD

The ultimate purpose of our cross-country eco-video project is to make a series of video profiles about renewable energy sites and interview people who have made impacts in sustainability, and put together these profiles on DVD to distribute to schools nationally.  The idea is for school teachers to be able to pick and choose which 5-minute profiles they want to use on a particular day.  One day they might be teaching about solar and other renewables, and they'll be able to choose just those videos that best cover that topic.  Other topics might be electric vehicles, sustainable design, zero-waste/recycling, etc.  Our mission is to inspire and empower kids to create a renewable and sustainable future, and it's important and timely that kids see what that future can look like.

Why create a DVD of 5-minute profiles instead of compiling all the footage into a documentary?  I think it's more useful to teachers in this format rather than a 2-hour linear, beginning-to-end documentary.  Watching a 2-hour video is not realistic in many school schedules.  Another reason is that each profile deserves 5 minutes of it's own time, and this way I won't have to cut any of our destinations out of our final video just because it doesn't fit into the flow.  

We're hoping to distribute our video through the National Science Teachers Association, which would give our video national distribution.  I'm working on that connection now.

Another avenue for distribution is to post all of our videos on our YouTube page,  We'll upload each video profile as it is completed.

That's all for now - Be well,

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