Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Pilot Video and New Website Design

Happy New Year everyone!

I've been quiet in posting over the last several weeks but we have two great announcements:

First, we finished our pilot video for our cross-country eco-video project, titled "Wind Over Worcester". The video serves as an example of what our video series will look like - we're planning a series of 35 five-minute episodes that cover many aspects of renewable energy and sustainable living. 'Wind Over Worcester' is about the new wind turbine at Holy Name High School in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Our other big announcement is our new website design. Our friend Tracy Axelson, a professional web designer, has been helping us to redesign our website for a more professional look. I made the original site the best I could with what limited website knowledge I have, but our new site design is a whole different appearance, much improved. Visit us at www.OurRenewableNation.org to see our new look!

As I am shoveling us out from one snowstorm to the next, it's hard to imagine that in 4 months we'll be driving through the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico. It seems so far away right now! With our departure time on May 1 counting down, we're excited to get started and are working double-time to get all the preparations and research done in time.

Be well,

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