Monday, January 26, 2009

ORN Featured on!

On Sunday night, we were fortunate enough to get a great write-up on, one of the most widely-read environmental blogs on the net. It was a terrific article, and it generated a lot of traffic to our website and videos. They say about our project "It's a fine idea, a great cause, and packs a ton of potential--who better to relate sustainable ideas to kids then someone like Carrick?" You can read the full article on Treehugger by following the link:

I got to spend some time today talking with Mark Dixon, one of the filmmakers of, Your Environmental Road Trip. Mark and crew traveled the U.S. a few years ago making eco-videos on sustainable topics, spending about a year on the road visiting all 50 states. Mark offered some great suggestions and advice, coming from much experience on the road! Check out their website, and see their great work!

One of the ways we're trying to save money while on the road, while meeting some new friends, is to stay with people while we're traveling. I sent a message to the Green Sanctuary email list, which goes out nationally to Unitarian Universalist congregations who are part of the Green Sanctuary program, which works to make congregations more sustainable. I asked members of the email list if they would consider hosting our family as we travel across the U.S. to support our project, and if we could visit their UU congregations and give presentations about our eco-video project. I've been so grateful to receive many generous offers all across the country to help us on our journey! Many people have responded enthusiastically to support us as we travel, offering places for us to stay. It will certainly be a highlight of our trip to meet so many generous people!

Be well,

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