Thursday, March 12, 2009

30 Seconds to Support our Cross-Country Eco-Video Series

Hi friends,

We've been given a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with a national radio program and podcast, Sea Change Radio. They are applying for a $200,000 grant for a program that they plan to cover solutions to climate change all over the country, and they are going to be using our content, both video and audio, from our cross-country eco-video series. If they win the grant they will be supporting our project financially. To date we have raised $4,500 out of a project budget of $20,000.

You can help us and Sea Change Radio win the grant with 30 seconds of your time! Please follow this link,
and vote for the project. The project with the most votes will win the grant - another project in the lead for votes only has 85 votes, so we can do this! The voting is finished this Saturday, so please visit the link ASAP and cast your vote!

I've been optimistic that somehow things would work out for us, without quite knowing how or when. This could be our opportunity. Thanks for your help!

Be well,
Colin McCullough

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