Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our Fundraising Dinner/Concert on April 25

Hi friends,

One of our friends was pleasantly surprised to find out that we were actually going through with our cross-country eco-video project in the beginning of May. 'You mean you're actually going to do it?', and he meant it. For anyone else who thinks it's a great idea but isn't sure if we're actually going to do it, please let me assure you that it's very much going to happen, for real.

We are excited to announce an exciting dinner/concert fundraiser on Saturday, April 25.
We'll be hosting a spaghetti supper at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Grafton Common from 5:00-7:00pm, with an acoustic concert to follow at 7:00pm. This dinner/concert will be a fundraiser to help cover the costs of our cross-country eco-video project - we're asking for $10 for the dinner, or $10 for the concert, or $15 for the dinner and the concert together. Directions are at the church website,

We are very fortunate to have two very talented musicians playing acoustic sets beginning at 7:00pm:

Katrin is a great singer-songwriter here in Massachusetts who plays shows regularly and has several albums released. Her website is - she's got songs on ITunes you can hear and some videos on YouTube here and here. Katrin is a great musician and we're lucky to have her as part of our concert.

Greg Hare is a long-time friend from New York who deserves to be famous! He's a wonderfully-talented singer-songwriter. Hear one of his songs, 'The Present' here. It's a link to an MP3 that you can listen to or right-click to download. Greg has been inspired to write a song about our project for us to use, so come to the concert and hear the premiere of his new song!

OK, you've been so generous in spreading the word about our project when we've needed your help. We'd love to have you come to the dinner/concert on April 25 and we need your help to spread the word about the concert to your friends and family. This is our big fundraiser before we leave on our cross-country journey in the beginning of May, and to date we have raised $5,000 (thank you thank you thank you!) but we still need to raise an additional $7,000 and this dinner/concert will go a long way to helping us meet our goal! With your support we can do it! Please spread the word!

Speaking of support, thanks so much for your vote a few weeks ago for us as part of the Sea Change Radio grant proposal through JustMeans/Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. Several other organizations pulled ahead of us in voting, but the decision is also based on the content of the proposal and the comments that people left in addition to the voting, so we'll have to see what happens. The finalists are being announced on March 28, and I'll let everyone know if Sea Change Radio gets into the final round.

Carrick and I are off to Maine tomorrow for the Maine Environmental Educators Association Annual Conference up at the Chewonki Foundation in Wiscasset. We're one of the presenters for the conference and also we'll have a table to hand out flyers and let the all the teachers know about our exciting project. Then on Saturday and Sunday I'll have a table close to home in central Massachusetts at the Grafton Fine Arts Festival. We're doing what we can to be at the fairs and festivals - much more efficient to go where the people are at, rather then have them come to us!

You can read our latest interview at, which is featured on their homepage. VegDining is our official guide to vegetarian restaurants all over the U.S. as we travel, and as a reminder we are giving out free VegDining cards to anyone who donates $50 or more to support our project. The VegDining cards get you discounts at vegetarian restaurants - a must-have for travelers looking for healthy food on the road.

Be well,

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