We just got a call today from the Bonnie Hunt Show and they want to have Carrick on their Earth Day show to talk about everyday eco-tips people can do, and talk about our cross-country eco-video project! The Bonnie Hunt Show (www.BonnieHunt.com) is a national daily talk show, on here in Massachusetts on ABC at 10:00am. Carrick and I are flying to Los Angeles on Monday morning then returning Tuesday night, with the show taped at 2:00pm on Tuesday. On Wednesday (Earth Day) we are booked to give a presentation for 400 kids at the Fay School in Southborough, then off to the UMass Sustainability Fair in Worcester for the rest of the morning and early afternoon. The show will air Wednesday - you can go to the Bonnie Hunt website and find out where and when her show airs in your area.

Flying all the way out to Los Angeles to give eco-tips? I did ask if it was possible to tape our segment in Boston and edit that into the show, but no dice. Can't drive there in the veggie Beetle. Trains would take too long (remember I'm still working hard to get ready to leave in less than 3 weeks). At least the plane will be full - we got the last tickets on our flights. In the spirit of trying to walk the talk, we'll at least be using TerraPass to offset our flights. TerraPass is a carbon-offset program that takes donations for clean energy projects to offset the environmental impact of traveling and home energy use.
Big thanks to our friend Don at HydroCarbonAholics Anonymous for the donation of a GPS for our project! Don writes a great blog at www.HydroCarbsAnon.blogspot.com that we're subscribed to, with his take on our oil addiction and some possible ways out. Our new Magellan GPS will be a huge help on our cross-country journey. Besides all the directions it also shows where the libraries and playgrounds are - important places to know about on any long trip!
We have something special planned for Earth Day next week, so stay tuned for that!
Be well,
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