I wanted to share a few great media appearances for our project this week!
Carrick and I did an interview this morning for Sea Change Radio, which is a a nationally syndicated weekly radio show and podcast on corporate sustainability and accountability. Here's the link to the show: http://www.cchange.net/2009/
Our project is also featured in this month's Bay State Parent Magazine, which goes out to 84,000 people each month in central Massachusetts. There's a mention on the front cover and then a great story inside. You can see our story at www.BayStateParent.com, click on the current issue, then scroll down to the article 'One Family, a VW Bug, and a lot of Vegetable Oil'. I tried to post the direct link but it wouldn't work.
We've also added two more video subjects for our project! I spoke with our contact down in New Orleans yesterday and we talked about making a video about the sustainable rebuilding projects going on in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. I'm contacting several people there who are involved in these projects and it looks like we can put together a great video while we're there. Also, I've run into scheduling issues with Howard Lyman for our interview about the environmental impacts of how we eat in the U.S. (Howard is a well-known vegan advocate). We have been lucky enough to instead schedule an interview with John Robbins while in California. John Robbins wrote the books 'Diet for a New America' and 'Food Revolution' and is also a well-recognized advocate for eating vegan and sustainable agriculture.
We are very excited to announce that we have added Jubilee Gardens as a third performer for our fundraising concert on Saturday, April 25. Jubilee Gardens is one of our favorite groups in the region and we're so lucky to have them play for our concert! You can check them out at their website, www.JubileeGardens.com. Details again for the event are spaghetti supper 5:00-7:00pm, concert begins at 7:00pm at the UU Church on Grafton Common. Musicians Katrin and Greg Hare are also performing. This is going to be a fantastic concert so please come if you are able. The suggested donation is $10 for the dinner or $10 for the concert, or $15 for both. C'mon, $15 for a yummy dinner and an amazing concert following is a great deal, and to support a great cause....
A friend of ours had an idea to help us and is organizing a home party with her friends to raise money for our project. The idea is to have her friends over for some food and Carrick and I will show some of our videos and talk about our cross-country eco-video project. Of course, we are leaving in a month, but if this idea appeals to you at all and you're willing to put the word out to your friends, please let me know.
Less than one month to go before we begin our cross-country journey!
Be well,
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